Warning labels


  • I am very forgetful and have a hard time expressing things, please be patient with me

  • I am in the process of getting professional treatment and diagnoses, if I do anything wrong towards you or another person, please inform me and i will see to it the issue and my behavior is resolved

  • I require tone tags for nearly everything and may become extremely sensitive to rejection. If this is an issue, please let me know

  • I've been informed I suffer with a low Emotional Quota / Alexithymia [by a professional], meaning I have a hard time regulating emotions in healthy ways and have a low emotional maturity, thus clinging to people. If this becomes a problem, please tell me

  • Any content I consume is consumed critically

do not interact

  • Endo / Nontraumagenic systems

  • LGBTphobic in any sense

  • Anti-neos / xenos

  • Mspec Lesbians / Gays or supporters

  • Proship / profic /anti-anti, Incest, NonCon enjoyer, or neutral on any of the topics

  • Will not tag triggers

  • Part of the following :

    • stantwt
    • poppytwt
    • ageplay community
    • shtwt
    • edtwt
    • YBF fandom
  • Zoos / Pedos

  • Fetish accounts

  • Anti-furry / furry hate

Built with Dorik